The Buddy Bike® Rear Steering Tandem Bicycle for Kids & Adults with Special Needs
adaptive bike for children & adults

The Buddy Bike®
What is The Buddy Bike®? The Buddy Bike tandem bicycle promotes good health and well-being, mobility and inclusion for riders with special needs!
The Buddy Bike is an alternative tandem bicycle with rear seat steering. It is a bicycle for riders with special needs providing adaptive and therapeutic cycling for riders with autism, down syndrome, sight impairment, balance issues, low muscle tone and other disabilities that would prevent them from riding a bike safely on their own. The Buddy Bike is an excellent tool for teaching beginner riders of various ages and abilities.
Need help choosing the right Buddy Bike model and accessories for you and your family? Or need a quote for a funding request? Call Shelley at
Bike for Autism, Down Syndrome, Fragile X
The Buddy Bike
Bike riding as a family can be a challenge for families with children and loved ones who have special needs. Many of our customers tell us they used to cycle regularly, but once their child with special needs outgrew the baby seats, tag-alongs, and other small child rider options, they were at a loss. Learn how The Buddy Bike can help your child lead the ride!

"Best decision I have ever made purchasing this bike!...All I wanted to see my entire life is to see my son enjoy/embrace the things like riding a bike that make for great memories as a child. Now has this opportunity thanks to you all!!"
- David O.
"I just want you to know that the bike is the real deal. My 9 year old autistic son loves it. It's a solid, well built bike and if your son likes to ride a bike, this will be perfect. By the way, I don't get anything back from praising the bike, my reward is a happy child."
- Kruno O.
Is The Buddy Bike the right bike for your family?
Do you have a child with cognitive special needs such as autism or down syndrome, or physical disabilities like low muscle tone and balance issues that prevent them from riding a bike safely on their own? Are you an active family who enjoys outdoor activities and cycling? Then The Buddy Bike might be for you! To find out, TAKE THE QUIZ!

Choose Your Bike
TAKE THE QUIZ to find out if The Buddy Bike is the right choice for your family! Then choose the right Buddy Bike model and accessories for your family's heights and riding styles. Visit our ONLINE SHOP to view available Buddy Bikes and our Model Comparison may help you decide which bike model to choose.
Still need help?
Call Shelley at 786.489.2453
Request a Quote
Whether you are paying directly for a Buddy Bike, submitting an insurance claim, or a request for funding assistance, a quote will include the cost of the Buddy Bike and related expenses.
Your quotes also help us to provide you with the bike model of your choice, while letting us know that you are interested, considering a purchase, or working on funding.
Explore Funding
After you receive a quote please visit our How To Fund a Buddy Bike page for information provided by our customers on how they have obtained funding to purchase The Buddy Bike as therapeutic equipment. The contact your support services coordinator to find our if funding is available in your state/county.
Once your funding request is approved call Shelley at 786.489.2453 to place your order!
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Give Us a Call!
Hi, I'm Shelley! I personally handle your calls, emails, and online inquiries. My favorite way to meet customers is with a quick phone call. It helps me assist you better in finding the perfect Buddy Bike for your family. It only takes a few minutes. Explore the site, then give me a call! For international customers, click to request a Google Meet.

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Special Needs Cycling For Kids by The Buddy Bike
Buddy Bike Families & Customers (for customers only)
Tandem Bicycle for Vision & Hearing Impaired

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Trade-In Models
We're working on building new inventory but in the meantime, we have quality pre-owned Buddy Bikes that are ready to ship now! Visit our ONLINE SHOP for more details or contact We may have some bikes available that are not online yet!